Our Complaint Handling Procedures Explained

Our Commitment

We aim to resolve all complaints relating to WO Funding in a fair, prompt and consistent manner. We also aim to resolve complaints internally and without the need for referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

How You Should Complain

By telephone: Please call 01785 241537

In writing: Please write to us at 129 Marston Road, Stafford, ST16 3BT

In either case, please provide as much information as possible to allow us to trace your matter as quickly as possible.

How We Respond to Complaints

Where possible we aim to respond to complaints by the close of business on the business day following receipt of a complaint, however depending on the nature of the complaint it may not be possible for us to do so.


Where further investigation is needed, we will always acknowledge receipt of your complaint, by letter, within 7 days of receiving your complaint. Your complaint will be investigated by an employee of sufficient competence who was not involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, and who has experience of handling complaints.

If you have any questions, or further information that may assist us in investigating your complaint, you should contact this individual using the contact details provided.


Where we have not been able to resolve your complaint within 28 days of receipt we will write to you advising you of the progress of the investigation into your complaint and when we expect to be in a position to do so. In any event we will issue our final response to your complaint within 8 weeks of receipt.

Within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint we will provide a written response to your complaint setting out our position and / or an offer of redress where considered appropriate. We will also give you details of any rights you may have to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent organization with powers to help resolve disputes between consumers and businesses providing financial services. We will also provide you with a copy of the Financial Ombudsman Service's standard explanatory leaflet.

Time Limits You Should Be Aware Of

You should be aware that any referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service must be made within 6 months of the final response that we issue to you.

© 2018 WO Funding Limited | Terms and Conditions

WO Funding Limited. Registered in England and Wales 08667291.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration number: 681246. 
Correspondence address: 129 Marston Road, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3BT.